Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin for Christians?

   First off,  consumption of alcohol by a professing, committed Christian is going to be under a different set of guidelines than for a non-Christian. Proverbs 20:1 says this: “wine is a mocker, intoxicating drink arouses brawling” and Habakkuk 2:15 warns us like this: “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, pressing him to your bottle, even to make him drunk.”
   Yet the Bible does not say that drinking a glass of wine or beer, or a cocktail with dinner, is specifically a sin.  Why would that be?  Drunkenness (intoxication) is singled out as being a sin as found in 1 Corinthians 6:9 saying that those who are given to drunkenness will not inherit the Kingdom of God unless they repent (turn away from/give it up).  But yet having one drink may not necessarily be a sin in itself. Is drinking alcohol wrong for a Christian?  I do not drink alcoholic beverages for one major reason -- it’s found in Romans 14:14-21 and it warns us that we could easily set the wrong example and cause someone else, who is weaker in the faith, to stumble into overindulgence. 
   Paul himself said he would not eat meat or drink wine or do anything else which would cause a weaker brother to stumble or fall into sin. 
   Another problem with the consumption of alcohol is, where do we draw the line as to where drinking becomes a sin?  Is one drink OK but two or more drinks ...

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