We Get the Rulers We Deserve

Complimentary Story
   Scripture tells us that God establishes the kingdoms of this earth.  In Daniel 2 we read, “He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”  But we should note that Scripture doesn’t say God endorses or approves of EVERY ruler.  Obviously, many kings and rulers are wicked.  Surely God does not support such evil.  He may allow it, for the purpose of bringing judgment upon the nation that has proven itself to be reprobate, but it is never His ideal.    In Hosea 8, the Bible says of Israel, “They have set up kings, but not by Me;  they have made princes, and I knew it not...”

   Our God-fearing forefathers, would not recognize what America has become today.  Few of us remember our history -- how God set us apart as a new land, a new people for His glory, a beacon of hope, sending missionaries throughout the world to preach His gospel, heal the sick, and rescue the oppressed wherever they might be.  God established this nation for such purposes, and He blessed us like no other.  But we neglected Him, we forgot Him, and now we despise Him.  Is it any wonder that we are in the position we are in today?  Our nation is crumbling from within,  the signs of God’s judgment are clear, yet we still have not received the full measure of His justice.

   Now, we are in the midst of another election year.  After nearly eight years under the thumb of the most wicked man to ever sit in the Oval Office, I believe God presented us with some clear -- and perhaps some FINAL -- choices.  On one side of the aisle, we have a woman who has proven time and again to be utterly dishonest.  She lies without batting an eye.  She even lies about lying.  Though she is under federal investigation and riddled with scandals, her supporters do not care.

   Then there is a man who embraces a doctrine that our forefathers fought and died to eradicate from the face of the earth, yet today our children, after generations of liberal indoctrination in our public schools, now actually prefer the chains of socialism because it promises peace and safety with no work or personal responsibility on their part.  What’s more, it always lays the blame for society’s ills at the feet of some scapegoat, which the media and government holds up for us to hate, focusing our attention on anyone and everyone except ourselves   ...and those who are actually pulling the strings.

   On the other side of the aisle, we had more to choose from than ever before, from a retired neurosurgeon to career politicians to business people, the most prominent of which has risen to the top and leads in all the polls.  Donald Trump is popular among the people because he appears genuine.  Whether or not that is true, we don’t really know.  But Trump’s arrogant and direct personality is extremely appealing to a nation of people so fed up with being dominated by political correctness, a society in which we are not even allowed to use the words “He” or “She” in some places for fear of being fined by the hate police.

   I understand why Trump is so popular, but I still have some huge concerns about him.  He says what his audience wants to hear, but can we believe him?  On one hand, he claims to be a Christian, but then he says he doesn’t need God’s forgiveness for anything.  He’s currently married to his third wife, and he has no real objection to homosexual so-called “marriage.”  If a person has shown he does not honor his vows, and cannot even rightly define something so basic as marriage, does that not disqualify him? Trump also supports, in his words, the “wonderful work of Planned Parenthood,” but then he says he hates abortion.  He plays on our national frustration after years of Obama’s dismantling of America and the Republican party’s total lack of action, but he has yet to present a single specific plan on how he intends to “make America great again.”  So, is it all just hype?  Or what?

   The media loves Donald Trump because he provides great entertainment.  And so in our country today, where ratings “trump” substance, I have to wonder whether or not we are once again being enticed by the mainstream press to choose the candidate they have packaged and sold us.  Certainly there were much more qualified men in the running who have since been forced to drop out -- many with impressive resumes, high moral standards and genuine Christian faith.   But it seems none of these were entertaining enough to be president.  Have we chosen the circus over the substance?  It seems so.

   But why are we even discussing all this? Some will present sincere arguments about how Christians should never be involved in politics or the things of earthly governments at all. They believe God sets up rulers and removes them according to His will, and that we, as individuals going to the polls have no effect whatsoever, one way or the other.   But I would not lay the blame for the current state of affairs in this country -- nor the wicked people who rule over us -- at God's feet.  This is OUR fault.  WE did this.  The Lord sets before us clear choices,  and as in all things, He has given us the freewill to choose. 

   Unlike the false god of Islam, unlike the philosophies of Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Socialism, Liberalism, Feminism, Secular Humanism and Atheism, our God does not force compliance.  Instead, He gives us the freedom to choose.  He waits with loving, open arms, ready to receive all prodigal children who will repent and return to Him.   But He doesn’t force us to worship Him at gunpoint.  Such would not be genuine love.  In the same spirit, our wise Founding Fathers, who established this nation on a bedrock foundation of Biblical Christian values, knew the importance of free choice -- as well as the danger of a tyrannical federal beast.  As we go to the polls and cast our votes, or as we choose NOT to do so, we signify our choice between Godly, righteous leaders who look to the Creator and His laws, or ungodly rebellion...  or apathetic indifference.

   When we vote, we are not putting our eternal hope and trust in the imperfect, fallible men we elect.  They are simply our public servants, not our gods, and no politician will ever be our Savior. Clearly.   But as Christians, when we go to the polls and cast our votes, it is our duty to support righteous men of God who we believe will uphold the greater laws of the kingdom of heaven.  Yes, they will serve as our governmental leaders, but ultimately, we are casting our votes for truth and righteousness, OR we are casting our votes for selfishness and rebellion... OR we are choosing to neglect the responsibility altogether.  Our Heavenly Father would never impose upon a righteous nation a wicked, ungodly ruler.  He appoints over us the rulers we deserve, and indeed, CHOOSE, by our decision to serve Him ...or to serve the enemy.   The fact that we are currently suffering under the tyrannical rule of Mr. Obama is no coincidence.  We have reaped, as a nation, just what we have sown.  But don’t blame God for this.  He allows us to suffer the consequences of our choices, but be assured, we CHOSE this.  

   Surely, the only hope for this nation is spiritual revival and repentance.  If we return to God, humble ourselves, seek the Lord and pray, He is sure to hear our pleas and heal our land.  But how will this happen if Christians remain silent and uninvolved in public discourse?  If we never speak up and speak out for God, how will the unsaved, perishing masses ever hear?  If we do not cast our votes for righteous and Godly leaders,  are we not consenting and surrendering to the alternative?

   In the last election, it is estimated that 25 million Christians did not bother to vote.  If only 5 million of those had gone to the polls, America might be a different place today.  Certainly homosexual so-called “marriage” would not be considered the “law of the land" today, nor would Christians be suffering such strong persecution, nor would we have the scourge of Islam spreading throughout our land like a relentless cancer.  Make no mistake, these things are here because our evil leaders invited and welcomed them in... just as WE invited and welcomed these evil leaders to rule over us.   Is it really fair for Christians to simply say this is God's judgment upon our land, yet accept no personal responsibility for it, even though they did virtually nothing to stand against it?

   I believe the devastation we are experiencing in our country today is just the natural consequence of Christians refusing to get involved, refusing to be God’s representatives on the earth, refusing to be His prophets, declaring His righteous decrees before the people.... Preferring instead, perhaps to just pray quietly in our churches, never having our voices heard in the public square.   Imagine if the prophets of old had refused to speak, or the apostles refused to preach, because they reasoned that this earth is not our home, therefore we need not bother with earthly matters.

   As God’s people, we look forward to our heavenly home, with our Father, and our Savior.  But that day is not yet come, and I believe God calls us to occupy until He returns for us.  We should not simply bury our talents in the ground and wait for our Master's return, like the wicked servant in Matthew 25.  No, we need to be good stewards of the duties entrusted to us as God's ambassadors here in this foreign land.  

   We need not be filled with fear, wringing our hands in desperation for the evil that is overtaking this world.  Instead, as we see all these things happening in these last days, it's our job as Christians to stand up for our Lord and to represent Him among the nations.   It's our duty to speak His Word boldly and unashamedly in public, and when we see the enemy’s hand, to expose the wicked deeds of darkness.  It seems to me that if we say nothing, and refuse to involve ourselves in such earthly matters as this, we are signaling our consent.

   As I close here, I would like to share with you a point that Dr. Carson made during his speech at CPAC on March 4.  He spoke of Saul Alinsky, the mentor and hero of people like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.  His well known book, “Rules for Radicals,” documented how to bring about social change, and how to turn America into a socialist, secular, “progressive” nation.  Dr. Carson pointed out that the book was dedicated, and I quote, “to Lucifer, the original radical, who won his own kingdom.”  Remember that when you consider whether or not to take part in this process.  Will we quietly acquiesce to those who worship Lucifer as their god?  Or will we choose righteously?  

   Truly, we are in a spiritual battle on this earth, and I believe we are called to engage in this battle, equipped with the full armor of God.  When we choose NOT to participate, we are really choosing to vote -- for the enemy.  I believe that Christians really CAN make a difference.  We have the power of Almighty God within us!  God did not destroy even Sodom, for the sake of one righteous man.   So perhaps He will yet forestall our destruction, and in His longsuffering, grant us another chance for revival and repentance.   But if we refuse to represent Him in this world properly and righteously --  unashamedly -- then maybe we really don’t deserve His continued patience after all.   Always place your faith and hope only in the Lord, never in men or any politician... but let us never shirk our responsibility to be His ambassadors in this troubled world and as good stewards of the duties entrusted to us, may we always represent Him well.

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