Guts Before Glory

   “You can’t teach motivation.” This is a statement that continues to be debated. What makes this assertion relevant is that “motivation” is a critical element when it comes to Christ mission of “disciple-making.”
   Jesus was not being presumptive when He commissioned His disciples to ““go and make disciples”” (Matthew 28:19a). Jesus knew that these chosen, trained men were equipped for the work in front of them. They had the “guts” for the mission.
   It is notable what Jesus said before and after this command, that provided reinforcement for this mission. This kingdom work would be fully supported -- “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” (vs.18) 
   “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (vs.20b)
   The work of “making disciples” was under Jesus’ authority…and with His presence (through His Spirit who was later verified (Acts 1:8).  This helps to explain the boldness of these disciples when the time came to witness for Christ. 
   Peter was a prime example of this boldness in sharing the story of the resurrected Savior (Acts 2:24 & 4:2).  Following this second sermon Peter (and John) stood before the Sanhedrin and again shared the same bold witness (vss.10-12).  It is noteworthy ...

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