About the Trump Candidacy

   SOMETIMES GREAT POLITICAL THEATER offers more than just entertainment. The responses of the electorate and the political establishment to the candidacy of Donald Trump make for a great case-in-point, as they highlight some very important truths to the discerning eye:
   Truth No. 1: Americans are sick of war and the costs of war and the lies about the reasons for war.
   Donald Trump is NOT doing so well because he appeals to some vulgarity in the character of lots of Americans. Or, more accurately, Trump is not doing so well because he makes any meaningfully-greater appeal to such vulgarity than any other candidate. They ALL speak like ill-bred and ill-educated boobs on matters of Muslims, trade agreements and economics in general, and most of the rest of what establishment politicians and their media shills use to hypocritically criticize Trump.
   Rather, Trump is doing so well because he appears to be the candidate least likely to perpetuate and expand United States military aggression, and also because he therefore appears to be the candidate most likely to break the military-industrial-congressional complex’s grip on Americans’ shoulders, by which it pins them in place with one hand while the other digs in their pockets for cash in between assaults on the Constitution.
   Truth No. 2: Americans are sick of the neo-cons and their dishonesty.  The electorate has awakened to t ...

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