Muslims Claim to Believe in Moses

Muslims claim they believe in Moses and the Torah. Therefore, they claim to believe in Judaism. However, how can this be when their religion, Islam, commands them not only to hate the Jews but to kill the last Jew as Allah declared in the Qur’an? Qur’an 1:5-6: 5Guide us to the straight way, 6the way of those whom you have graced (the Muslims), not those whom the wrath is against (the Jews),...

Muslims do not know the Moses of the Torah. To prove my point, we simply ask: Who was Moses? According to Muslim scholar Ibn Kathir, “Moses is Ibn Amran, Ibn Kah'es, Ibn Azer, Ibn Levi, Ibn Jacob, Ibn Isaac, Ibn Abraham.” However, not a single verse in the Qur'an or hadith indicates such a lineage. 

The Bible names Moses’ father as Amram, not Amran, in Exodus 6:20.

Muslim scholars disagree on Amran’s identity in Qur’an 3:33: 33Surely Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Amran, above the worlds. Some say he was the father of Moses. Others say he was the father of Mary, Jesus’ mother. All Muslim scholars agree that Amran was the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Obviously, Mohammed thought that she was the sister of Moses and Aaron, as proven by his reference to Mary, Jesus’ mother, in Qur’an 19:28: 28

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