The Real Goal

   People who commit crimes against humanity never forget that they have to operate under a shroud of secrecy.  So it’s no surprise that the abortion lobby is enraged whenever the pro-life community displays graphic images of abortion.

   In the past, their main response was to say these pictures are phony.  But apparently, few people are simple minded enough to think we just make them up and that forced the pro-choice mob to dream up another strategy.  Now they are saying we shouldn’t be allowed to publicize these pictures because they traumatize women.

   Let’s make one thing clear: the only women who might be traumatized by seeing these images are those who have had abortions.  In reality, women who have not had abortions have no reason to be personally affected by them.  That means any emotional damage they experience is not from pictures of abortion but from abortion itself.  Otherwise, these images would impact all women the same whether they’ve had abortions or not, and no one can honestly claim that is true. 

   This particular argument is a classic example of the paternalistic attitude the abortion lobby has toward women.  What they are really saying here is that women are so delicate and so mentally unstable they have to be protected against life’s harsh realities -- even those of their own making.


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