Telling The Kids the Truth

Complimentary Story
   Mankind has made the conscious decision to reject God, His Word and wisdom.  Our world groans and people run to and fro in utter chaos, constantly searching for answers, peace of mind and soul, while stubbornly rejecting the ONE THING that would save them.   The Bible talks about this time in history.  The book of Luke tells us that “nations will be in anguish and perplexity...”  I cannot think of a better description of our modern world.  Anguish and perplexity.   

   I have an especially heavy burden for the young people of today.  Many, if not MOST seem to be living in anguish and perplexity.  They’re like lost sheep without a Shepherd.  And today, our society and government has virtually outlawed the Shepherd, replacing Him with ravenous wolves, hungry for the hearts, minds, blood and souls of our young people.  

   I hate what our culture has done to them.  I just hate the direction it has all gone.  We have taught our children they have no purpose in life except to indulge all their carnal, hedonistic desires.  We have taught them they’re  entitled to HAVE, freely, liberally, as much as they like;  no limits, no rules, no right, no wrong.  We’ve taught them that everyone gets a trophy, just for existing.  
   Walk the hallways of any public school between classes -- and even in the BEST of these schools you will hear the most foul, vulgar language coming from the mouths of babes who think they’re more “grown up” because they can curse.  The Establishment is now teaching young people that it’s “cool” to question their gender or their sexual orientation.  We have taught them to accept, embrace and celebrate all forms of “diversity,” in this new perverted definition of “love” and we have trained them to believe and accept EVERYTHING as equally valid and true, except that which actually IS true.  THAT we have made illegal.  

   Look at our young people, teens and young adults.  They wander, with vacant eyes and emotionless expressions.  Perhaps side effects of the prescription drugs they have been told by their doctors were “right for them” since they were six.  Is it any wonder then, that even in the small town where I live, heroin is a major problem and the number one drug of choice among teenagers?  

   They tattoo their bodies with hideous “art” depicting devils, skulls, vampires, homosexual “pride” symbols and other images of death.   They pierce their ears, lips, tongues, noses, and then hang chains from them.  They disfigure their private parts with piercings and rings.  Not just the boys.... the girls have equally low self esteem and self respect.  And with no moral compass, teenage sex is not only common place, it is expected;  you’re considered a “freak” if you don’t “party” or “hook up.”  

   This message has a purpose.  I am hoping to reach some of the young people out there, who are feeling so lost, so disconnected and without purpose.  Now, I am under no delusion that you would take the time to READ this message on your own.  But my hope is that someone who loves you will, and will take the time to share this message with you.  You see, they LOVE you, they care so deeply for your life and your soul.  And they know that something has gone terribly wrong in the world and you have become a victim of it, you’ve been tricked and trapped and need to know the truth that will free you.  

   Most likely you will not listen to those who love you.   You don’t care what they have to say.  You think they don’t know you and don’t understand you -- or modern life or what you deal with, struggle with and go through on a daily basis.  They have not maintained a close personal relationship with you, so how dare they try to suddenly insert themselves into your private affairs and “fix” you?!  You don’t think you NEED “fixing” and you certainly don’t want to discuss this with THEM.  For some reason you’re not quite sure of, you’re ANGRY, very angry.    But if you won’t listen to them, maybe you’ll listen to me, a stranger.  

   Because though I may be a stranger, I DO know you.  I see you, everywhere I go, in the stores, on the corners.  I see you hanging out downtown at night, riding your skateboards, walking down the sidewalk, staring blankly at your phones.    I see you riding in cars, tossing cigarette butts out the windows, stereos blasting thumping bass notes while a rapper uses the “F” word 157 times in one of his so-called “songs.” Or the Death Metal “music” that SCREAMS demonic hatred, anger and rage.  This is your entertainment.  I don’t pretend to understand IT, but I DO understand YOU.  To you,  this is maybe the only thing in the world that seems “real” right now.   But my friends, it’s NOT real, you have been lied to.  And it makes me sick what our culture has done to you.  They have taught you a lot of things, but they have not taught you what is most important.  THEY HAVE DELIBERATELY HIDDEN THE TRUTH FROM YOU! 

   Just so you don’t think I have no grasp of reality or no idea what it’s like to live a hard life, let me give you a very BRIEF introduction.  I will soon be 51 years old.  I graduated from high school in 1983.  Ancient history, I know, but rest assured, I had my own challenges and made way more than my own share of mistakes growing up.  Growing up was tough for me.  I dare say it was tougher and harder for me than most anyone my age... I endured more than any kid should ever have to.   Suffice to say, I understand the temptations and challenges young people face through middle school, high school and young adulthood.  I KNOW you because I WAS you!  

   Now, I was blessed to get a good Christian education in my church and learning God’s Word as a young person helped me survive those early years, and has served me well my whole life.  But as a teenager, I strayed from what I knew was right, made many mistakes, and suffered the consequences.  Praise the Lord, though, God did not give up on me.  He was with me through it all, even though I was not always faithful to Him.  

   So let’s get to the point here, ok? You have been lied to.  You have been used as a pawn in a diabolical game to steal your heart, mind and soul, in an effort to fundamentally change America and the world -- and not for the better.  It’s a conspiracy, conceived by the devil and carried out by his minions, in the government, the press, the media, the entertainment industry, the public schools, and yes, sadly, whether they meant it or not, even some of the churches.  

   Many of you have grown up in church, and today I am talking specifically to you.  There are others who have no concept of God.  Your parents gave you no Christian education whatsoever, and that is the absolute WORST thing a parent could ever do to a child.  I will have a separate message on that in the future.

   But other parents, though they meant well, took their kids to churches that, quite honestly, did more harm than good.  Chances are, if you are struggling spiritually today, this could very well be you.  Your parents took you to Sunday School, you participated in youth groups, you know the plot... But now that you’re older, you don’t believe any of it,  really, and you think Christianity is all just a fairy tale -- certainly it has no relevance to the “real world” you live in every day.   The Bible? It’s full of nice stories, but that’s really all they are to you: just stories.  How can you be expected to believe that some “God” created the entire universe in six days, when the government has made it illegal to teach Creation in school, because everyone KNOWS that EVOLUTION is the only TRUE SCIENCE?  

   The little “Noah’s Ark” toys they gave you to play with in Children’s Church were cute when you were three, but you don’t really believe that story -- any more than you believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. And if you can’t believe the first book of the Bible, what could the rest of the Bible possibly have to offer? Nice sayings, poetry, fairy tales.  You don’t have time for that.  You live in the real world and you have real problems.  

   I “get” it.  But know this: OUR GENERATION HAS FAILED YOU.  Somewhere along the line, the Evangelical churches, in an attempt to attract more kids, appear more “cool,” “accepting,” and “relevant,” started to water down the message, so as to be less offensive.  You see, the TRUTH is not usually nice to hear.  USUALLY, the truth hurts, and it scares people away.    In fact in today’s culture, we’ve been trained to believe that TRUTH actually sounds like HATE.  

   So they only told you the nice stuff.... they promised you that if you said a prayer and “accepted Jesus into your heart,” (a concept that is NOWHERE in the Bible, by the way), your life would change, and all your problems would disappear.  Well, THEY LIED TO YOU.  They gave you pizza parties and Bible Camp signalongs, and game nights where you could throw pies in the faces of your “leaders,” and where they would hand out candy and treats just for showing up. 

   OF COURSE, you are going to reject that.  I don’t blame you one bit.   It’s as fake as you think it is....  But don’t blame your parents.  They were only doing the best they knew how.  They wanted so badly to raise their kids knowing the Lord, to have a personal, saving relationship with Jesus, the Savior, God the Creator.  Not because it’s fun or because your life suddenly becomes exempt from troubles.... but because your ETERNAL SOUL is at stake... and because when you are a Christian, you have a FIRM FOUNDATION on which to build your entire life.  When you know the TRUTH, you have the knowledge, the wisdom and the understanding to withstand the LIES that the devil and the world throws at you CONSTANTLY, every single day.  

   The trouble is, the church YOU grew up in and the stuff YOU were taught there bore little resemblance to the TRUTH your parents learned as they were growing up.  You see, the devil infiltrated even the churches, to lead astray, to steal, kill and destroy, as many of God’s children as he could.  Your parents THOUGHT you were being properly instructed in the counsel and wisdom of the Lord.  They didn’t realize that the pizza parties were really ONLY pizza parties and nothing more.  The “church” has become a circus, to draw more kids with fun and games and candy.  The actual TRUTH of God’s Word had little to do with any of the activities you participated in, not really.

   As a young person, I am SURE you want to know the REAL truth.  You don’t like being lied to.   I don’t have time in this message to go into more detail, but let me just say, the Bible is TRUE, every word of it... in fact, it is the only TRUE thing I know of in this world, that we can really, truly count on to be TRUE, never change and never let you down.  It will ALWAYS tell you the truth.  

   I can also tell you there is a whole, unseen world out there, a spiritual world that we cannot see with our human eyes, but that is just as real as anything in this physical realm.  In this unseen world there is a battle raging.  It is all around you, and it is a battle for YOU, and for YOUR eternal soul.  You, yourself, have seen enough wickedness, lies, deceit and ugliness to know that evil exists. Evil is real. 

   Well, God is real too, and the battle is raging, and YOU have a part to play in this battle.  These spirits are not just fighting OVER you...  YOU are IN this battle yourself, whether your want to be or not.  You will either be on the side of evil, or you will be on the side of God.    That’s God’s gift of freewill to you: YOU get to choose where you will stand. 

   I read the sad stories in the local newspaper about young people who have committed suicide, who have been arrested for heroin or burglary or assault.  I read about immature boys who get girls pregnant but never “man up” and marry them.  These stories touch my heart, and I want to know more.  What could have happened in their lives to send them down a path that would end so horribly? So yeah, I look them up on Facebook, and there you can find their stories...  their Facebook pages show photos of them giving “the finger” to the camera, drinking, smoking, sometimes passed out from intoxication.  They show photos of them in sexual situations, and the things they “like” on Facebook include the demonic, sometimes they even have satanic symbols, and ALWAYS blasphemy, swearing, and lewdness... it seems to be the language they speak.  Don’t you see, friends? It is the language and behavior of demons.  You think this is funny? You think I’m joking or out of my mind?  Well, you better pay attention because these are souls that Satan has stolen, and even now he is crouching at YOUR door.  You can laugh it off if you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.  It’s really happening, right now, to YOU. 

   PLEASE, UNDERSTAND: there is a better way to live.  Being a genuine Christian is not a boring life.  In fact, it’s the most  challenging path you can take.  Most people can’t “hack” it -- most prefer the broad, easy road that leads to destruction.   True Chrisitianity is not the wonderful, beautiful life they promised you on “Game Night” at church.  That’s the lie that caused you to be so disillusioned in the first place.  No.  Genuine Christianity requires courage, commitment to righteousness, and faithfulness to God.  It turns you into a REAL MAN or a REAL WOMAN.    And I guarantee, you WILL ABSOLUTELY be persecuted and ridiculed for being a Christian -- if you are a REAL Christian, and not a fake.  

   I have much more to share with you, young people.  In fact, I will be doing a series of messages to be broadcast on my radio program on VCY America.  But for now, let me I challenge you to begin reading the book of Proverbs, carefully, and slowly.  

   Try to absorb the wisdom contained there.  Speak to God about it.  Pray, ask Him to reveal Himself to you as you read.  Do YOU have the courage to take this seriously?  Are you tough enough?   Your life will never be the same once you truly “get it.”  But isn’t that the point?

(Audio CDs of this and other messages in this series are available upon request when you email: .  Please include your MAILING ADDRESS when requesting resources).

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