‘Strong Cities Network’ -- An End Run?

   Many years ago, I learned that the mayor of the Wisconsin city I lived in was participating in a UN teleconference.  I thought then that this was strange and foreboding. What did the United Nations have to do with local government?
   I believe I have the answer to that question now.  The Strong Cities Network is an effort to link municipal governments and police forces together for a concerted effort against terrorism.
   Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Department of Justice are joining with an international law enforcement coalition for the claimed purpose of “strengthen[ing] community resilience against violent extremism.” 
   This may sound like a good idea until one considers the impact of a group that is international in scope now registering cities anonymously to participate.  How will these recommendations transfer between cities? Since it is international, what happens if the recommendations do not fall within existing national laws? The Oath-Keepers organization has offered some very good questions.
   I can’t help but wonder if this has anything to do with the militarization of police departments through the supply of military equipment and vehicles to local police.  The Wisconsin State Journal, December 5, 2014 reported:  “The Department of Defense has given Wisconsin police departments and sheriff’s offices $25.6 mill ...

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