Evolution Search Still Comes Up to Zero

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
   Those who spawned the theory of evolution hoped to quickly find all of the missing links, but after a long, long search, could not even find one, not even for plants.  If any links do exist, there would be just as many of that in-between form as the forms it is supposed to be linking, but the search still comes up ZERO.
   It’s been about 165 years of faithful searching for the missing links, but all that their seemingly faith-based “religion” can offer are some cartoons, and some other animations depicting a fictional march from the sea to apelike creatures to modern man, and ending with a question mark.  This keeps their theory alive in the minds of the immature, and the guillible.
   As read in newspapers, “In 1912, fossil collector Charles Dawson discovered supposed early human remains at a gravel pit in Piltdown.  Over 40 years later, Piltdown Man was exposed as a hoax.”  So be alert to any claims of finding even one missing link. 
   It’s evident that all life forms have similarities.  The variety of forms arise from the genetic code passed on by their parents, and progenitors of their particular species.  Each kind brings forth it’s own kind.  You have varieties within species such as black dogs and white dogs, but a dog is a dog is a dog.
   The so-ca ...

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