Should Christians Get Tattoos and Piercings

   Today we see a lot of tattooing and body piercings even among professing Christians.  But what does the Bible actually tell us about these practices in regards to believers?
   In Song of Solomon 2:15, we read, “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.”  In Isreal the wild foxes would often come to the grape vineyards and eat the grapes, ruining the crop. Often the foxes couldn’t reach the higher fruit so they learned to chew off the vines and actually pull them down which not only ruined the crop but destroyed the vineyard as well.  By comparison in our spiritual life, some things we do or allow in our life, seemingly insignificant, can lead us into disastrous results. 
   Today we are seeing quite a number of people in our society that are accepting a dangerous “little fox” or seemingly “little thing” that seems harmless enough even to Christians. Our society and culture are saying it’s the “in” thing to do. We see people showing off ear, nose, tongue, eyebrow and navel jewels and rings attached to their pierced flesh as well as tattoos on various (unmentioned) parts of their bodies. And because many people do not really understand what the Bible says about these things, they are not aware of the spiritual dangers of such practices. We are not in any way condemning any that may already have followe ...

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