Can You Trust a Dishonest Person?

     Can you trust a dishonest person?  The answer should be quite obvious.  What if you reworded the sentence to ask, “can people trust me if I am dishonest with them?”  Now it becomes easier to justify my answer and also what I do.  What is wrong with a little white lie? Or if what I do in my life does not hurt anyone, it should not matter to them. 
   Young people around the world are growing up in a world where absolutes are no longer absolute.  What is wrong with living with someone to whom I am not married?  Or telling a few lies for the “better” good is just fine?  Another remark heard is “as long as what I do does not hurt someone else, I can do whatever I want.”  “Hey, no one looks out for me so I have to take care of myself.”  Plus, “you can believe whatever you want as long as you are a ‘good person.’  We will all end up in same place.”
   Young people are getting bombarded with these worldviews no matter where one lives in the world.  Some of us may say, “Well the Bible says…”  That is good but not the ending.  What is in the Bible?  “Rules and ways of how to live” may be the answer given.  Let us take it one step further and we will do this with the topic of honesty.
   We are dealing with the three P’s.  Fi ...

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