Divine Guidance

   “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct they paths.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6).
   I selected this verse after reading the Publisher’s article last month,  challenging the young people to begin reading the book of Proverbs.  Rob Pue begins his article, “Mankind has made the conscious decision to reject God, His Word and His wisdom.”
   Looking at the condition the world is in and going, we all must agree with him.  When we look back at the beginning of our history, we find many good men who took this injunction in Proverbs to heart.  I will cite the prayer of just one of them:  Chief Justice Ryan of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, after his death October 19, 1880, there was found in his pocket a soiled paper which was written, in his own hand, the following beseeching God for daily guidance as a judge:  “Give me grace to hear patiently, to consider diligently, to understand rightly and to decide justly.  Grant me due sense of humility, that I be not misled by my willfulness, vanity or egotism.  Of myself I humbly acknowledge my own unfitness and unworthiness in Thy sight, and without Thy gracious guidance I can do nothing right.  Have mercy upon me, a poor, weak, frail sinner, groping in the dark;  and give me grace so to jud ...

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