Constitution Party Offers Another Choice

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
    If this year’s presidential race has you in a quandary, let me offer this suggestion: Vote for Darrell Castle!  Darrell represents the Constitution Party and is on the ballot in 18 states.  Darrell is 100% pro-life, 100% pro-2nd Amendment, and 100% Originalist Constitutionalist.  You can vote for him with a clear conscience that you have honored God with your vote (I Cor. 10:31).
   And just think, if he were to win Wisconsin and two other states, like Pennsylvania and Florida, it would throw the election to the House of Representatives.  The House is controlled by Republicans, many of whom do not like the Republican candidate.  We here in Wisconsin could help elect the first 3rd party president in a LONG time!
-Jeff Tyberg, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. ...

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