Does Pornography Have a Hold on You?

   I believe pornography has a hold on many people, including many more in the church than want to admit it.  I have asked the same question of various groups of people.  These groups were several public high school classes, a secular college class, several parochial high school classes and most recently, a gathering of Christian church leadership where many of the names were followed by “M.Div.” or “PhD.”  The question was “How many of you have seen hardcore pornography?”  The answer was “ALL” in every group.  At least no one was willing to say they had not.

   I ask you:  “have YOU viewed pornography?”  Statistics gathered by Enough is Enough Campaign Against Pornography, would indicate that the majority of people have, and that there is not much difference between secular and Christian.  The statistics say that 63% of working adult men, 36% of working adult women and 35% of pastors view pornography fairly regularly.  The group of pastors and church leaders I recently talked with strongly suggested that the percentage of pastors battling with pornography is much higher than 35%.  

   The statistic pertaining to youth should stagger everyone.  Think of it: 97% of teenage boys and 80% of teenage girls have viewed pornography.  Some of the youth start viewing porn as young as age 6.  How will th ...

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