Going to the Gates of Hell

   For the past few months, I spent a great deal of time and effort telling all our readers and radio listeners  about a very special event we were planning in the city of Milwaukee on October 28 and 29.  It was our Spiritual Bootcamp, and I challenged each of you who are concerned about the evil overtaking our world, each of you who feel helpless to make a difference, each of you who are frustrated over the lack of action from the Church... I challenged each of you to make plans, save the dates and to BE THERE at the Spiritual Bootcamp.  

   We promoted this event heavily -- at least 100,000 people within driving distance of this event were informed, in one way or another, that this was happening.  I told you it would be a life-changing weekend, with powerful teaching to equip those who would come with the COURAGE and STRENGTH to go beyond their comfort zones and follow the commands of Christ: to actually DO the Great Commission -- not by simply sending a check to an overseas missionary from the comfort of your kitchen table or Lazy Boy, but by physically GOING and DOING what Jesus said we should GO and DO.

   So with all the announcements, thousands of fliers sent in the mail, newspaper ads, all the social media ads, and all the challenges I put out on the radio... you’d think this event would have been packed with people....  right? Well, how many do you suppose actua ...

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