Avoiding the 'Ds'

   Being a disciple is a challenging role. Thought there is ample room for celebration, perseverance is needed for the “troubles” that are also a part of the journey, as Jesus foretold (John 16:33b).

   Disciples are human being with aspirations and limitations. The book of Acts gives an accounting of both, extensively portrayed by Peter and Paul. Both apostles faced the “D’s” within their role as disciples for Christ.

   The first “D” is “Distraction.” These can be practical in nature as the disciples faced in Acts 6 (the need to find helpers to distribute food)…or as course-changing as that of Judas (who betrayed His Lord for “thirty silver coins” (Matthew 26:14-15). There are a wide-range of “Distractions” that keep a disciple from the main mission of spreading the message of Christ.

   The second “D” is “Discouragement.” As with the former this can take a variety of forms. Often the disciple’s expectations are not met, leading to this condition. It is noteworthy that Paul took a companion on his missionary journeys, one of whom was Barnabas, who was know for his encouragement. Paul has set a pattern for us to follow to avoid this negative outcome.

   “Deception” is the third “D.” A disciple needs to continue to be wary of false ...

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