The Harvest is Ready

   Get ready for the Harvest!  It’s time to let everyone know that the time is here to bring in the souls that want to get into Heaven’s Gates, for we don’t have much time left.  

   There was no excuse not to work.  Everyone works while they can, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  If it rains too much, trouble!  If winter sets in too early, trouble!  This is their year’s income!  They cannot afford to lose this harvest!

   The harvest of souls is somewhat the same; however, the end times are near.  Globalization and open borders are on the agenda of some of our governmental agendas.  There seems to be evidence that One World Government is becoming a reality of the near future.  Many parts of the world have had Christians killed for just being Christians.  The attacks have been brutal!

   We need to share the Gospel whenever and wherever we can!  Don’t be worried about how big the crowds are where you go to church or where you get the opportunities to share the Word.  Just begin sharing the Gospel, NOW, while you still can.

   Let people know that Jesus had a BIG reason for coming into this world.  It was to give SALVATION to everyone who wanted Him in their life.  Some refused to accept Him as Savior, but many received Him.  As a matter of fact with just twelve disciple ...

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