Does Pornography Have a Hold on You? (Part 2) ‘Where Do We Start?

   Do you think the reason many Christians and church leaders are not discussing the use of pornography is because of shame, fear and the thought that each may feel they are the only ones with a problem with porn? 

   That may be. The evil one seems to use a similar bag of deceit on most everyone. Why not take the risk? The odds are in the statistics.  Most everyone around you has encounters with pornography, so let’s start talking with each other on how to stop and how to help each other distance from the lies and darkness of pornography.

   There is nothing truthful about porn.  The truth is horrifying. The actors are mostly sex addicts acting out their addiction often under the influence of drugs and alcohol. They are trying to fill a void in their soul with something that can never satisfy that desire. The end of their day is shame and despair that is usually sedated by more drugs and alcohol. 

   Many of the actors are sex trafficked. They are twenty first century slaves to their pimps and are forced to carry out the performance of sex acts for food, water and a place to sleep, nothing more. The pimps and pornographers make exorbitant amounts of money ($33 billion annually) enabling them to buy advertising on television and major magazines.

   There is indication they even infiltrate our public school curriculums. They make porn look gla ...

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