The Marriage of Female Islamists and Marxist Movements

Complimentary Story
   The Marxist feminist machine which has been in control of the messaging for the civil rights movement of women in the United States of America for the last forty to fifty years was seen in its final death throes two weeks ago.  The movement has been driven for the past twenty to thirty years by Hillary Clinton, her aging sycophants and other infamous hippies.  

   The ugly nature of the movement was finally on full display for the whole world to see.   As a snake with its head cut off may continue to hideously writhe in its final moments of life, so this dark feminist and in part, goddess-driven organization exposed its grotesque underbelly to the light of day in its desperate attempt to hang on to its rapidly evaporating power.  

   The rest of us stood at a distance watching the spectacle of thousands of women objectifying themselves through “body part” hats as they seemingly marched for equality and demanded their “rights.”  We watched as thousands of gullible young women (and some ridiculous men) once again bought the lies of Marxist-leftist matriarchs who ran the event.  Sadly, we who are also among other “aging populations” remember this movement in its infancy and understand that some women will remain lost in lies of the left and the “demands of the cause” in the same way that we watched our peers 40 some years ago succumb to the mesmerizing promises of the women’s liberation movement. 

   I remember sitting in a Women’s Study class in the early ‘80s.  The professor first asked if we believed in equal pay for equal work.  Of course we did, so we raised our hands.  From there we were told that we were feminists and that we needed to unite.  Throughout the semester that idea was emphasized again and again in order to reinforce the “group think.”  They eventually lost me, however, when I found out that they wanted not equality with men, but supremacy over men.  The man-hating extremists that spoke toward the end of the semester revealed that one goal was to eventually reach the point where women would not need men to reproduce -- they would use frozen sperm and test tubes.  They were simply power hungry female Marxists that sought to harness the minds of young women through lies and deception in order to catapult themselves to positions of power.  They did not care if the young women that followed them reached their individual life goals or achieved happiness in their lives.  

   They also did not care if women were harmed by their “choices.”   In 1973, along with other new freedoms, women obtained the ability to “legally” control their reproductive calendar through abortion and the pill.  The concept of killing babies in the womb was served up to us then, just as now, as an acceptable, practical “choice.”  The difference between then and now is that the statement that a baby in the womb was just a “blob of tissue” was still an easily sold lie, given the lack of technology. Today that lie is provably false with the aid of an ultrasound test and in vitro cameras.  So today, feminists tell women it is their own body and it is their “right” to destroy their unborn children.  

   But a new day has dawned in America. The hypocrisy of this long lived political movement/organization has finally been revealed in the most profound way.  It is critical at this time to examine the exposed conflicts between what members of this movement have claimed for decades that it stood for and what, upon closer examination, the facts reveal that it actually has always stood for.

   This Women’s March on Washington following the inauguration of President Donald Trump was never about “choice,” nor was it about women’s rights or freedom or equal pay -- just as the women’s rights movement in general has never been about “choice,” women’s rights, freedom or equal pay.  Instead, the Women’s March on Washington, D.C. finally exposed what the women’s movement has always been about:  power in the hands of the leftists/Marxists who orchestrate events and manipulate the emotions, thoughts, language and actions of its followers like a puppeteer from the shadows.  And women are harmed because of the way in which the lies and deception affect their relationships, their psychological well-being and their thinking throughout their lives, especially if they have had one or more abortions and later in life, found themselves longing for that child or children. 

   It is in joining forces with another unlikely group of organizers that the truth about this leftist/Marxist movement has finally been revealed.  At this year’s Women’s March, the Islamists joined and helped to organize the battle for women’s rights and women’s liberation!  Er, wait, uh, not really.  The Islamists were part of organizing the march, but their motives for being there were not about women’s rights or freedom or equal pay or “choice.”  Once again the true motive of the organizers was hidden from the masses of young women who proclaimed solidarity with the movement.  If they knew the truth, they would have abandoned this March for Women in droves.

   Linda Sarsour is an organizer of the event who is as seemingly out of place in a March for Women’s rights as a fish is out of water.   What makes her involvement in organizing this event shocking and puzzling is that Ms. Sarsour s a proponent for bringing Islamic Law -- Sharia -- to the United States of America.  Therefore she would never really support women’s rights; at least not as American women understand them to be.  Ms. Sarsour is a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist woman that promotes the spread of Sharia, according to   Ironically, Sharia oppresses women and reduces their rights rather than providing more rights for women.

   Sharia allows for, or in some cases, demands female genital mutilation, child marriages, polygamous marriages, honor killings, raping women who go outside without covering themselves completely by wearing burqas, charging women with adultery who are raped and stoning women who are charged with adultery.   Sharia thus deprives women of their constitutionally protected rights by denying equal protection under the law and by utilizing cruel and unusual punishments. 

   Sharia deprives women of equal property and inheritance rights to which she is entitled by statutory laws in every state.  Sharia disadvantages women in divorce court, reduces the fair and equitable distribution of marital property, limits women’s rights to their husband’s income and reduces her chances of retaining custody of her children if her husband chooses to divorce her.

   So the question of why Ms. Sarsour would want to help organize a Pro-right Women’s March on Washington, D.C. is an interesting one.  It can’t be because she was offended, as other women were, by the videotaped statement made of Donald Trump ten years ago where he spoke of grabbing a woman’s genitals.  As a result of that revelation, other women at the march donned their pink hats.  This could not be true, however, for Ms. Sarsour, because as a Muslim woman, who advocates Sharia, she would be well aware that Islamic law, as recently seen throughout Europe, allows Muslim men to callously ignore the rights and dignity and personhood of all women and girls and to rape them if they are not covered from head to toe with a burqa or if they are unaccompanied by their husbands or fathers.  Male Muslim refugees’ rampant grabbing, ripping off of clothing and sexual assaults of women in the open streets of certain areas of every European country are considerably more serious based upon the level and number of violent assaults, than one American man, bragging about his consensual sexual contact with an adult woman.  

   As another possibility, could it be that Ms. Sarsour is also a proponent of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Civilization Jihad which has a long term goal of overthrowing the United States government?  The first prong of this subversive conspiracy involves the intentional non-assimilation of Muslim immigrants into this county.  Then, once the population is established in the new host country, the second prong involves the intentional increase in the immigrants’ birthrate far in excess of the native population’s birthrates.  To further accelerate an increase in the ratio of the non-assimilating immigrant populations over native population’s birthrates, encouraging more abortions among native populations would certainly have this effect.   Being a Muslim woman, it is unlikely that Linda Sarsour would ever have an abortion herself, but if she is a Civilization Jihadist, she would certainly be in favor of encouraging American women to have them.   That would explain her interest in the Women’s March.

   Many European countries have already passed the point of no return regarding reproduction.  For instance, in Italy the birth rate of native born Italians is only 1.8 percent and is therefore considered a dying population.  The Muslim refugee birthrate in that country is significantly higher, leading Italian Archbishop Liberati to comment recently, “In ten years we will all be Muslim, because of our stupidity.”

   Regardless of these negative events, I remain heartened and comforted to know that many young millennials of both sexes realize the truth about this dying feminist movement.  And because they recognize the truth of the value of human life in the womb, they will change the reproductive landscape in the United States of America and will choose life for their unborn. 

   It would be helpful if the State of Wisconsin would adopt policies and pass legislation that values and protects life and makes it easier for young women to choose to bear their babies rather than to abort them whether they want to keep the child or whether they choose adoption.  

   Thousands of young women can no longer be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric of the feminists of old, as was evidenced by the March for Life only a few days following the “Women’s March.”  Despite these early dark days of the New Year, there is hope.

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