Trump Must Do Nothing to Protect Religious Freedom

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   Forty family groups sent a letter to President Trump in February asking him to issue an “Executive Order Establishing a Government-Wide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom.” The groups also wanted Congress “to pass strong religious freedom protections into law.”

   We should not be encouraging the new president to issue executive orders.  He is a Republican; he will begin abusing his office soon enough by issuing executive orders for which he does not have constitutional authority. Democrat hypocrites will begin squealing about his use of executive orders soon enough, expecting all of us to forget about Obama’s abuses.

   The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 is a federal law to protect our religious freedoms. At least 20 states have passed similar laws.
   Why, why, why can’t we just enforce existing laws in this country?  We don’t need more laws or executive orders to protect our religious freedoms.  In fact, President Trump and Attorney General Sessions would best protect our religious freedoms by DOING NOTHING.

   The judicial branch has repeatedly violated the Constitution by interfering with enforcement of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts; and it would only violate the Constitution again by interfering with the executive order these family groups seek, just as it violated the Constitution by interfering with Trump’s order on immigration.

   There is only one thing Trump can do to further protect religious freedom in this country. There is only one thing Trump must do to further protect religious freedom in this country. Nothing else he does will be of any consequence unless he does this one, simple thing.

   Trump and Sessions must not enforce the 2015 Obergefell vs Hodges Supreme Court decision as law.  The opinion of five unelected lawyers on the Court on the issue of homosexual marriage is not law; and is, in fact, entirely irrelevant. Trump simply has to do nothing; or conversely, he simply has to do his job and enforce our laws.  There is no law to enforce as a result of Obergefell, so there is nothing for him to do.

   The letter referred to “systemic bullying against individuals of faith, religious organizations, faith-based businesses, and churches.” It described how Christians have been forced to pay for abortions, and penalized for choosing not to participate in same-sex weddings and adoptions.

   What do progressive bullying to silence Christians, progressive causes like abortion, and progressive causes like homosexual marriage all have in common? Progressives.

   Obergefell was not a victory for the minority of homosexuals who wanted to marry.  It was a victory for progressives who wanted a means to silence Christians in America. Sixty years of progressive dirty work, of advancing progressive social causes, led to Obergefell. It was a critical, pivotal victory for progressives in their larger scale war against the church and against our constitutional republic. 

   The sexual revolution led to this. The civil rights movements led to this. The abuses of the judicial branch in making law led to this. That rot about separation of church and state, and the drive to get any Christian influence out of government led to this. The abuse of states’ rights by the federal government led to this. Decades of “dumbing down” and indoctrination in government schools led to this. Decades of taking the Constitution for granted led to this. Christian apathy and silence led to this.

   Obergefell is a repeat of that supreme violation of the Constitution referred to as Roe v. Wade. The Court did not then, and still does not now, have the authority to declare state laws are unconstitutional and give us its opinion to be enforced as law instead. The opinion of seven unelected lawyers on the Court should not have been enforced as law after Roe; and the opinion of five unelected lawyers on the Court, including two that didn’t have the integrity to recuse themselves from the hearing as they should have, must not be enforced as law after Obergefell.

   Obergefell is as much about enforcing gender identity civil rights as it is about enforcing homosexual civil rights. The first two sentences of Obergefell read, “The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity. The petitioners in these cases seek to find that liberty by marrying someone of the same sex and having their marriages deemed lawful on the same terms and conditions as marriages between persons of the opposite sex.”

   Justice Anthony Kennedy went full absurd when he declared people have a constitutional right to “define and express their identity.”  
Therefore homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry, which heterosexuals do not have. Therefore a boy who wants to pretend he is a girl or a dolphin has a constitutional right to do so as well.

   The primary goal of progressives in America has always been to silence Christians and other grown-ups with conservative or traditional values; to confine us “within the four walls of our church or home,” as the letter described. They will finally achieve that goal through enforcement of Obergefell.

   Tolerance was not enough for homosexuals; and silencing and confinement of Christians will not be enough for progressives who were the force behind the homosexual civil rights movement, and will use homosexual marriage and homosexual activists as tools to silence Christians and any others who may not value progressive values.

   The few professing Christians in this country who were not too self-important, lazy, or apathetic to spend any time considering Obergefell understood it would allow the advocates for the homosexual civil rights movement to come into our churches to enforce their will. It will also enable the advocates for this idiotic gender identity or nonconformity civil rights movement to come into our homes to enforce their will. 
   Any Christian male in this country will be directly impacted by Obergefell if he has a female in his house.  We have finally come to the point where people cannot say something like this Court decision doesn’t matter because it won’t directly affect them. We have finally come to the point where people may finally be forced to say something.

   Men in this country have their backs against the wall and they don’t even know it because they’re too busy playing with their toys and watching pornography.

   This ludicrous “constitutional right” which people have to “define and express their identity” will be enforced by requiring women who use any public facilities including bathrooms, locker rooms and showers; to share them with men who want to play women, men who believe they would be happier if they were women, or men who want to see women without their clothes on. This constitutional right will be enforced by requiring girls in government schools to be violated in the same manner by boys.

   Enforcement of this constitutional right began in public facilities and government schools across the country the day after Obergefell was announced.

   There are not enough grown-ups left to hope any longer that someday Americans would elect a President because they believe he has studied the Constitution and will act according to his oath; rather than electing as President the one who makes the most promises to do this, do that, and do the other thing. Trump took an oath, like those others before him; and half that oath was a promise to protect and defend our Constitution.

   In my lifetime nearly everyone before him began violating that oath from the first day they took the office. Trump will do this soon enough as well, without our encouragement.

   If you want to write the President a letter; instead of telling him the things he should do like everyone else, tell him what he should NOT do.

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