Talking to Snowflakes Again

Complimentary Story
   Last month, I addressed the question of how we have so many special needs people, often called “snowflakes.” My intent is to coach people to identify this phenomenon and be prepared to address it.  I welcome the opportunity to work with those in need of such coaching.  I suggested that years of reinforcing children without a natural consequence of being rewarded for doing well, and encouraged to improve if not doing well, has been a part of this emotional self-absorbed personal entitlement attitude.  I suggested that this has happened not only on a personal level with individuals in families and schools; it has also happened on a societal level. The American Media and our educational system have been creating “entrainment” expectations of what reality is and what will happen in the future. It did not come about spontaneously from nothing.

   I was a sociology college student in the ‘70s.  Among the change agents promoted was Saul Alinsky, an acknowledged mentor for Hilary Clinton and Obama. (Rules for Radicals; 1971).  Alinsky’s work has been a primary resource manual for those who want to bring down the American constitution. These writers demonstrated and promoted the kind of social change that would lead to Marxism or Communism.  Even then, I didn’t fit in very well and have a few stories to tell!  My Biblical Christian worldview was a constant irritant to students and professors, though I wasn’t always able then to quickly articulate it in response. I did recognize it all as a spiritual assault. Years later, when it came time for me to enter Graduate School, I was able to test out of Sociology/Marxism without having to take classes.  I distinctly recall being able to redirect my thoughts and answer test questions as my undergrad profs and fellow students would have done.  It was like “clicking over” to a different mindset. I didn’t stay there.

   Many students in the past decade do stay there, despite what they have grown up believing. Take a look at what is in college curricula across America.  We thought we were sending our children to learn and prepare for their future careers, not to be indoctrinated against our values!  As I have seen happen on a small scale within a local church and a school, I see that on a large scale what is good and right and pure was made less attractive while self-absorption and rebellion…what I have sometimes called being “deliciously naughty”… became the pinnacle of success people desire.  Traditional values are tame and passé. Respect for what has been, for elders and parents is old fashioned or unnecessary. 

   In the turbulent ‘70s, militant feminists, such as Shulamith Firestone, wanted to see children actually taken away from their birth parents and placed in government controlled homes so that they wouldn’t be -- in their word -- “infected” by the traditional values of their parents or male and female roles and dynamics.  At the time, I thought it was farfetched and could see no way that such teachings would ever have an impact here.  In 2016, I saw promotions online of this same concept; that parents should not think that they own their children.

   In four decades, this perspective really has pervaded America…at least in some age and political groups.  Massive strides have been made in the old long term goals of social change leaders to create “global citizens” more than American citizens.  Some really thought that this new “global approach” is America.  Others among us saw that the America we knew was being undermined. When the heartland of America spoke up to vote against this globalization process and to affirm traditional American values, some people really did experience it as a betrayal and a shock. Through the gradual process of revising American history in our schools, a subtle effort to distance children from their parents, and the promotion of values that are not consistent with constitutional or Biblical traditional values, there is a generation that believes we are regressing if we turn back to “America First” constitutional law and order.  That generation is usually identified as the “Millennials.” They do not fear the loss of valuable ideals, but rather fear a loss of hope to fit into the new world order. 

   How do we approach the snowflakes?  I suspect that if we are to make headway with these people…both those who took Alinsky’s advice and “put on suits” long enough to get into positions of power and those who have been influenced by them… we will need a strong prayer foundation.   Knowledgeable specific prayer. For exposure of that which is not pleasing to our God. For the right words in all situations. For the heavenly host that are in rebellion to be rebuked and set aside from continuing their influence toward human rebellion against authority, and ultimately against God Himself. For protection, encouragement and increased joy while in the process of seeking His will to be done on earth as in heaven. Walk after our God and in His ways so that you are armored up!

   For those who live by their emotions and expect to be gratified in every personal desire without delay, we will need to be loving and very firm. They have redefined “tolerance” to mean “no limits” and will need to learn the real definitions. Any kind of boundary or authority is experienced as restrictive instead of as a healthy necessity. Compassion is important to be able to express recognition of where they are “coming from” without compromising and enabling them to continue. 

   “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. …Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching you have heard from me, with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”  (2 Tim. 1:13; 4:3    Berean Study Bible).

   And what is that sound teaching?

   “For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; And reproofs for discipline are the way of life.”   (Proverbs 6:3 NASB).

   The generation known as Z or post-millennials, young teens now, is showing signs of recognizing the importance of values that were rejected by the Millennials. The foundation of the current rebellion has been laid in over at least 40 years.  It will take some time to correct, should we find ourselves again experiencing the grace of the Living God. 

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