Transition Season of Battle

  As a Personal Life Coach, my service niche is to help people through transitions of all kinds, but as a coach and as an Undershepherd for an assembly, my highest honor is to be a part of helping people make transitions toward Messiah in the expression of their faith.  Whether one calls it coaching, discipleship, mentoring or transformation, the focus is to align with Messiah Yeshua in all things on a daily basis, maturing to be more like Him. 

   Seasons come and go; in personal lives, in the Body life of the Assemblies of our Elohim and in the heavenly realms. As much as we enjoy seasons of peace, it is true that the desire to draw near to our God often gets pushed to the side.  In past tumultuous seasons, most who had any understanding at all would turn more fully to our Creator.  In my years as therapist and coach, I have often seen that such stress may cause people to turn toward our God but they are not good times for people to study and get to know Who He is more fully.  Either you have a bedrock faith in Him BEFORE the floods come or you struggle to find that faith and can be easily taken out.  “Seek the LORD while He may be found, for in a flood of mighty waters He will not be found!” (Paraphrase of Isaiah 55:6 and Psalm 32).

   We are not living in a season of peace, but in one of transition and turmoil. Disillusioned, misinformed people are now more likely to put up gr ...

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