Trump's Unconstitutional 'Good Idea' in Syria

   According to a recent poll conducted on behalf of CBS News by SSRS of Media, Pennsylvania, “President Donald Trump's decision to launch airstrikes against Syria garnered 57 percent approval from Americans.”

   But, does “approval from Americans” translate into “Constitutional in America?” 

   My colleague and mentor, Michael Anthony Peroutka, suggested that to say something is “a good idea” and something is “constitutional” is to say two different things. I submit the following analogy to your candor.

   Suppose you invite me to your house for dinner and while I’m there I notice that your window treatments are shabby and that your furniture does not match your wall colors.  In fact, it looks rather hideous!  So, the next day, while you’re not at home, I break into your house and change the windows, the walls, and replace your old furniture.  Not only do I approve of this extreme home makeover but your wife and children unanimously agree that what I did was a fantastic idea and will bring lasting happiness to your family.  

   However, amidst my wonderful action both you and I know that, in fact, I am guilty of the crimes of breaking and entering and trespass.

   Do you see that even if it was a good idea to change the décor, it was a ...

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