Does Pornography Have a Hold on You? (Part 7 -- PURSUE!)

From the book, Stand Firm
   I don’t know if it’s possible to pick a favorite Bible verse, but I think there is one I contemplate more than some others.  Philippians 3: 10-15 is in my thoughts nearly every day.  There is a wealth of knowledge and goals contained in this passage and a lot of grace.  The author wrote it near the end of his life and career as an apostle.  Most all agree the apostle Paul was an exemplary description of a Christ follower.  Yet here we find him contemplating as though he were just a beginning Christian.

   “I want to know Christ and the power of the resurrection, the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings..”  Certainly Paul had experience with these things, he wrote most of the New Testament.  Who could know Christ or God’s power more?  Yet he proclaims that he has not attained all there is to and was not perfect so he “pressed on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of him.”  This word “press on” is a hunting term used to describe a pursuit, a running after to catch your prey as though your life depended on it. 

   Throughout the articles I have been writing about the book, Stand Firm, the emphasis has been on changing the complete character of a person and the work that it takes.  This Philippians passage further underscore ...

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