God's Recipe for Health

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
   Beginning in Genesis, God told us what is and is not food.  Do later Scriptures change that?  Unfortunately, most people in this country believe that anything is now food.  It’s an undisputed fact that eating things not created to be eaten can get you acutely or chronically ill, and even cause imminent death.  Can those toxins, or pathogenic organisms also have an accumulative affect?

   God’s Word tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 3:16-17 and 6:19), so why would we put anything into our bodies that would cause harm?

   When you eat something not created to be eaten, it’s like asking God not to let a bullet harm you that you are about to shoot yourself with.

  Most people don’t know that pig meat, which is also known as pork, bacon and most sausages and lunch meats, were not created to be eaten.  Other things like rats, cats and dogs, etc., were also not created to be eaten.  There is something in those things that can be harmful to humans.  Did you know that pigs do not have sweat glands?  And that mushrooms have spores rather than seeds?  There are plenty of alternatives to eat.  So if you are not starving to death, then why chance it?

   The flu, short for Influenza, that killed millions of people ...

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