First Amendment Freedoms Are Under Attack

   From the inception of this country, people were led to this land for the freedoms that it promised.  Freedom to live one’s life without being accosted by agents of the king drew people from across Europe.  

   They had been persecuted for their religious beliefs, in some cases to the point of death.  They were the ancestors of those men that ultimately formed this Constitutional Republic and wrote its founding documents. Our founding fathers believed that their ancestors were led by God to this country in order to freely worship Him.  

   As a result of their own experiences and those of their forefathers, the Founders were determined to secure freedom of speech and religious freedom for people of all faiths.  They did this, not in spite of their faith, but because of their Christian faith.  Jesus Christ’s message was simple:   Choose to believe in Him and be saved eternally or don’t believe in Him and be lost forever.    Jesus’ message came with no coercive power, because free will, the right to choose or reject Christ’s saving message, was at the core of God’s plan for humanity.

   Unfortunately all religions are not equal.  According to the Qu’ran, unbelievers to Islam should be put to death.  We see examples of this violent tenet of Islam being played out throughout the world where ever the ...

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