Colossians 1:1-8: A Thankful Apostle of Christ

   With the opening words of the letter to the Colossians, we are reminded that Paul was an apostle, one sent by another with a specific task/message.  He was an official envoy and ambassador of Jesus Christ.  His apostleship was a Divine appointment, completed by no other authority than the will of God.

   He was writing to those who were set apart for God’s service, the “saints” at Colossae.  Being “in Christ” by trusting in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ is the only way for a sinner to become a saint.  The Colossians were “faithful brethren,” which means they were true and steadfast. 

   One thing we learn from the ministry of the Apostle Paul is that prayer is important. According to his words, he prayed consistently.  He was in a constant mental state of gratitude and prayer.  To understand how this approach to prayer is possible you need to understand that prayer is not just a bow your head and close your eyes thing.  Prayer is an open line of communication to God.  Paul’s statement at the end of verse 3 is similar to verse 9 when he says “unceasing.”  The meaning is “without letting up.” He was persistent in prayer.

   Paul only mentions three Persons when discussing prayer.  He directed his prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ (Romans ...

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