Understanding Godly Marriage

   The Holy Spirit has made it clear to me that the topic of Godly marriage is one of the most important and URGENT things we must come to UNDERSTAND as a people once again.  Our culture is self destructing and it’s because we have purposely DESTROYED our very foundations.  Godly marriage IS the foundation of the family, and Godly families are the most basic building blocks that make up a civilized, righteous society.  When we shun God and His perfect design for life, the only POSSIBLE outcome is utter destruction.  Look around.  What do YOU see?

   Marriage between one man and one woman is God’s PERFECT PLAN for us, one of the first, most basic and essential things we learn about in the very first chapter of the Bible.  In Genesis 1 we read, “God created man in His own image.  In the image of God created He him;  male and female created He them.  And God blessed them and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’”  There we have it:  God’s DESIGN for marriage and family.  And God’s DESIGNS are ALWAYS perfect!  One man united with one woman in Holy Matrimony, for LIFE.  Couldn’t be simpler.  Yet we think we know better.

   By the way, the word “Matrimony” literally means “Motherhood.”  Not so long ago, people understood this.  It’ ...

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