The Church in Crisis (Part 6) ‘Transformed!’

   The Apostle Paul views his salvation as a transformation of his entire life.  Little did he know how transformed it would be as he made his way to Damascus (Acts 9:3-19).  Neither did Adam and Eve realize how transformed their lives would be when they desired the forbidden fruit.  Being unable to escape it’s presence and it’sconsequences, once they had brought that knowledge of evil into their world. 

   They are the only ones to experience what it is to die spiritually.  Living their lives with a perfect heart; walking with God without offense, just as they were created to live.  No pain, no shame or remorse, enjoying all the abundance of God’s grace to meet their every need.  Now transformed by the knowledge of evil with it’s curse upon all of creation!

   Can we imagine the depth of that transformation?  No, we cannot!  But physically, we are reminded of our death every day.  It wasn’t until the death of Abel that Adam and Eve realized the full impact of the statement, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:17).  Is it possible we find it easy to ignore the deception that hides within our hearts, the knowledge of evil and it’s destructive influence, because we have never known it to be any different?

   The Apostle Paul, in Romans 1:18-25, make ...

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