Does Pornography Have a Hold on You? (Part 8 -- STAND!)

   Many times throughout history the concept of putting on the armor of God found in Ephesians 6: 11-14 has been wrongly interpreted and misused. Throughout my book, Stand Firm, I describe each piece of armor from this passage and how it is used as a protection for the Christ follower from the evil one.  Nowhere in this passage does it give indication of God wanting His followers to become militant or aggressively shove the gospel down people’s throats. 

   As Christians, those who follow Christ, our enemy is not politicians, public schools, government agencies, or any human being for that matter. During the first crusade in AD 1096 the crusaders committed massacres of the Jews “Christ killers,” especially of those who lived in France, Italy and Germany. Thousands were butchered, their synagogues burned, and their possessions pillaged. The horrible experience lasted nearly two centuries and was comparable only to their experience under Hitler. 

   The result was that Jewish leaders dropped their teaching that the Messiah had come and distanced themselves from anything Christian. [Victor Buksazen, Israel My Glory, March/April 2017]. 

   The Biblical text is specific that we “put on the armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes.  “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but again ...

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