Get Rid of Representative Dunno

   I mistakenly referred to Representative Paul Ryan as Senator Ryan in a recent interview. This wasn’t a grievous error, since I think our representative behaves more like a senator anyway.

   Ryan’s disregard for the will of the people is like that of a senator, someone who runs for office every six years rather than two. Examples include his failure to consistently support President Trump’s “ban on Muslim immigration” (doing so only after he was certain it was politically safe), and the pathetic failure of the party he leads to end Obamacare. Most grownups don’t want Islamic mass-murdering savages free to enter our country at will; and most who lost their health insurance and cannot afford health care, or cannot find a doctor to see them, wish they had their insurance back.

   I was already referring to Ryan by something other than the title voters in Wisconsin mistakenly gave him again in his last election. I’m not the only one making mistakes around here.

   In March 2016, Ryan’s Janesville hometown city council passed an ordinance requiring that people be allowed to use the bathrooms of their gender preference. Ryan’s office said he had no comment on what became an issue for some of the local grownups. In April 2016, when Ryan wouldn’t comment on North Carolina’s law requiring transgenders to use the bathroom of their bio ...

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