A Book for Disciples

   The book of Acts is a fascinating expose’ on discipleship. In this history of the early church, we find the chosen disciples playing a pivotal role. Through the power of the Holy Spirit they were commissioned to spread the Word “to the ends of the earth” (1:8).

   We can only begin to imagine the impact of this calling on these “unschooled, ordinary men”…who had “been with Jesus” (4:13).  These chosen men were not gifted orators…nor did they hold any remarkable credentials.  But they had a powerful Gospel message to share about their resurrected Lord and Savior!  Yes, these eye witnesses had a meaningful message to share!

   There was a blending of celebration and confusion in that early church experience. The growth of the church was exponential — from 12...to 3000 (2:41) …to 5000 (4:4)….

   Yet the challenges faced by those disciples were daunting. This ground-swell movement drew the attention of the opposing religious leaders. Stephen was martyred for his Savior-centered message (7:51-60)…and then the persecution escalated and “all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria” (8:1)  (Phase one of Christ‘s expansion plan) (1:8).

   There was one zealous Pharisee by the name of Saul “who began to destroy the church&rdqu ...

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