What Comes AFTER Becoming a Believer?

Becoming a believer in Messiah is the beginning of a journey, not the final goal.  Salvation in and through Messiah’s shed blood on our behalf is indeed Good News! But the story doesn’t end there as so many seem to believe and teach. Sanctification follows: learning how to walk after our God in His ways, not ours.  One vivid Old Testament image is that of people dancing on the shores of the Red Sea, singing, “HalleluYah! I’m saved!”  But then came the journey (sanctification process in the wilderness) to Mount Sinai where the Word was written on tablets, and a ketubah/marriage covenant was made with both these who were there and those who were yet to come…us!

   “I will be your God and you will be My people.”

   If you have read Exodus and Deuteronomy you know of the significant trials and conflicts, resulting in the death of an entire generation (except Caleb and Joshua) who failed to honor our Elohim during that process. The children that they feared would die on the way were preserved and re-educated to walk after our God in His ways; ways which the enslaved Israelites had fallen away from during their Egyptian bondage. They prevailed and were able to enter the Promised Land, overcoming the adversary, which included those of Nephilim heritage; thus the need for their annihilation.

   “Now all these things happened unt ...

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