'1984' in 2017!

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   George Orwell’s 1984 — an old book from 1949 — is now a best seller as people all over are trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on.  I read it years ago, but just bought a copy.  What once sounded like science fiction is now come to reality.

    “Newspeak” and “oldspeak” are mentioned.  Today’s social media has our young people acclimated to a new “language.”  I sure don’t like what I hear — no one debates anymore.  It’s now “my way” or no way.  No one wants to listen to the other side.

   This is all being done by design.  Our country is being controlled by a few international corporations.  They own 90% of our media: TV networks, 1500 newspapers, magazines, Hollywood studios... and they control our education system and our elected officials in Washington.  Central Banks were created by them (ours is the Federal Reserve) and they answer to no one.  This isn’t capitalism, socialism or what other “isms” there are.  It’s Corporatism.

   Fascism — the system of one-party government, was developed by the Fascisti in Italy (Benitio Mussolini) in 1919.  The autocratic control over the activities of all individua ...

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