God’s Calendar and Holidays for Us

    “Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.”  (Revelation 22:11 NASB).

   Keep this New Testament admonition in mind. As we near the End of Days, it is important for the righteous to practice righteousness and remain holy/set apart for God’s purposes. This series continues examining what that looks like. Remember, righteousness is defined in the Word as following His path and keeping His commands, His Law.  I believe that those who continue in wrong doing and filth are simply confirming who they really are; not those who seek our God, His ways and His mercy, but those who choose their own ways. They may consider themselves within or outside the church.  The difference is becoming more clear.  I believe this is a tender mercy of God for those who have yet to “choose this day Who they will serve.”

   So is it really possible to follow Messiah and His Father by ONLY working from the directions provided in the Whole Word?  This was a question that I pondered quite long and deeply as well should the reader. After several years of study, prayer, retreats, fasting and community processing, my answer was yes! It is not only possible, it is what our Messiah told us to do…walk after Him a ...

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