What Can I Do?

   I think that all of us as born-again believers are, at times, frustrated with how America and our communities are going down the path of 2 Timothy 3. In the last days people will become spiritually cold. 

   We are constantly praying for God to intervene and send true revival, where the Spirit of the Living God convicts the people around us of their sin and they turn to Jesus. The Gospel IS the power of God that can change the heart of man. The truth of God’s Word is lacking everywhere we turn. People are so ignorant of God’s will and Word.  I believe even the churches do not know where they are anymore. But that is just my opinion. I’m not saying all the churches, there are many good Bible teachers out there holding forth the Gospel. 

   So, what do we do, us common folk out there that feel like our communities are going to hell?  I’m no one special, but I do have a special friend, the Holy Spirit of God.  Jesus promised all of us the Holy Spirit.  Do I have more of the Holy Spirit than you?  No of course not. We all drink of the same Spirit. The Spirit is the same Person as Jesus Christ, and has the same power that Jesus Christ had when He was on earth. Jesus said “you will do more than Me,” because the Spirit will be in many people instead of just Jesus.

   So, what can the Spirit do through you? Well I started writi ...

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