Satisfied? There's a Whole Lot More!

   It started with that “Chocolate Fountain” at Golden Corral down in Arkansas last year.  Larry, our friend, with his sweet wife, Kim, took my son, Ken, and I out for dinner.  We feasted on prime rib and all the “fix-ins” that make for a gourmet meal. Not only “The All You Could Eat Buffet” plus the rice pudding, my favorite!  After all of that, there was still the dessert table and the “Chocolate Fountain!”

   Yes, the “Chocolate Fountain” flowing with pure chocolate down the fountain non-stop.  Next to the fountain was a tray of Rice Krispie Treats. Poke a wooden skewer into the Krispie Treat, then put it under the fountain and cover it with all the chocolate you want!

   All that delicious food...I was really satisfied. Stuffed full!  Almost to the point of feeling guilty.  Well, almost!

   I’ve now been back to a Golden Corral in St. Paul twice this past couple months with the fountain barely flowing over and then shut off the second time because it was closing time. 

   Now, while WE were experiencing Golden Corral, many more people were out experiencing McDonald’s! Yes! A Big Mac, fries, and maybe a large drink. They, too, came away satisfied. 

   Since that experience, I can not forget how we all experience “satisfactio ...

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