Marriage: 'til Death Do Us Part

Editor,  Wisconsin Christian News:

   I enjoy selective reading of Wisconsin Christian News.  I appreciate the editor’s zeal for truth, and the willingness to take on the hard issues of our culture, especially evident in the Pro-life stance, and the concern over LGBT issues. On these points we find mutual concern.

   But then comes the rub.  I do not believe that we lost the culture at the level of killing babies or of same-sex marriage.  These are the effects of long term violation of the marriage covenant, a problem rife throughout the churches.

   When I suggested to a prominent Christian writer that he seemed rather dismissive of the divorce rate in the churches, he put the blame back on the divorce laws of the land!  We need to understand something.  We do not look to government for spiritual direction. Government is not the temple of the Holy Spirit.  That responsibility lies squarely on the Church.  The  Church, whose head is Jesus Christ, is called to serve as the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.  Further, marriage is itself inherently patterned after the relationship of Jesus Christ to the church.

   It’s not as though the biblical contract were unclear. It states that the man will leave father and mother to be joined to his wife, that they will be one f ...

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