Evidence of the Resurrection Can Help You Share the Gospel

   Every year about this time, the skeptics and the naysayers seem to come out of the woodwork to debunk Jesus Christ, His claims, and what He came to accomplish on this earth. How do we, as Christians, answer those who argue against the resurrection and the person of Jesus Christ? 

   History is our greatest resource when speaking with a skeptic. There are hundreds of historical biblical prophecies that Jesus Christ fulfilled during His lifetime that can help us defend the Gospel when we are sharing the Good News with someone who does not believe. We would have to do away with hundreds of proven facts in recorded history to not believe that the resurrection exists. Let’s discuss a few. 

   My friend and author, Jerry Newcombe made a great point in an interview I had with him last year: Jesus’ disciples were the original skeptics of the resurrection. He said, “They first heard about it through women and didn’t believe it. But they were so changed and transformed that they went out into all the world and spread His message, and most of them died as martyrs for their faith . . . if the disciples made this up, they would have died for something that they themselves didn’t really believe.”

   What changed them? Jesus appeared to them. They saw first-hand the scars in His hands, His feet, and in His side. Psalm 22:16, Zechariah 12:10, and Isaiah 53:5 a ...

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