'Institutional churches' Are Bearing No Fruit

Complimentary Story
Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   I share your opinion on the broken condition of the Christian church. I’m sure the reasons are many, but I think there are two that stand out. 1). The stage/audience setting of our “church services” have a nearly ZERO VALUE  as a discipleship method.  Should somebody somehow become a believer, most institutional churches have no plan for advancing believers to becoming disciples. Just show up every Sunday, tithe, and show up for work parties.

   Reaching the community across the street is given lip service. We tend to buy our evangelism through giving to foreign missions, TV and radio shows. Few do any personal evangelism because they don’t know how, nor is there an understanding that the Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting and they mostly just need to be available. 

   The second reason is that almost 90% of Christian parents send their kids to public schools where TRUTH is untaught and refuted.  Our major denominations seem to think that putting their education efforts in colleges and universities gives them some prestige but they are ignorant of the plight of freshmen coming in with a secular worldview. I think James Dobson had it right when he urged Christians to homeschool or use good private Christian schools. We are losing the culture because we want to fit in and not be separate.

- Dave Strittmatter, Vineland, NJ

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