What Will It Really Take to ‘Drain the Swamp?’

Complimentary Story
   Most people involved in the “Drain the Swamp MAGA” movement do not really understand the complexities of what this means. If you haven’t been aware of these things bit by bit, your mind will not easily grasp just how bad and how deep this goes.   This is not “Liberal” vs “Conservative.” This is not Democrats vs Republicans. This is Light vs Darkness. This is God vs Satan.

   As I have explained in earlier articles, this “swamp” has many “rabbit holes.”   That is to say, that whole systems in the US and worldwide have been infiltrated and co-opted by people who have an agenda to do what they want to do: to reduce the population of the world, to establish their rule over the entire earth. The Bible calls them “The kings of the earth.”  (They of course, view themselves as entitled to do this, and having good motives.)  I do not believe that this is only a ‘human” endeavor, but see it as under the influence of the evil one(s) who hate the God of the Bible. (Our enemy is not flesh and blood, but powers, principalities, thrones, dominions and spiritual forces of wickedness.)

   Being able to knowledgeably address in conversation with other people and in prayer is an important part of the defense against their plans.

   According to what the “white hats” are doing/saying, they recognize that this is indeed a battle between light and dark. Their planning to deal with these things has been meticulous, over many years, involving depth and variables we can only imagine.  As we watch it play out, we may not see very much on a daily basis and it is easy to get impatient or fear it is all a ploy.  Indeed, so it may be!  But in any event, knowledge and awareness of what is right and what is wrong is still valuable.

A Few Areas of Research:

   The push toward gun control:  It is quite easy to research this and learn that historically, every effort to disarm the public has led to slaughter of that group of people.  All that you see in the news, with the various shootings, are more and more transparent as being staged in order to give the media and political people the opportunity to hype fear and push for gun control. With more people researching and the availability of the internet to both research and disseminate the results, it is not as easy to hide this as it was 50 years ago.  It does appear that President Trump is quite aware of these things. Please consider reading more about his tactics, perhaps in The Art of the Deal, and you will likely see that he is quite able to work strategically in ways that ultimately flush out the real roots of beliefs and actions, all the while allowing the impression that he is a “buffoon” to remain. This type of strategy seems to work well with keeping the media in hysterics. Then later, when his statements have proven true, they ignore it.

   Immigration:  Lawful entrance to any country by people of another country is not the problem here so don’t let anyone confuse the issue.   It is the unlawful admittance of people with criminal records and no genuine loyalty to that new country that leads to harm. It is the collusion between the leadership of those people who want to change America and overcome her so as to bring her into the New World Order with the placement of immigrants, both for their voting loyalty, and for the disruption they can bring that is the issue.  Not too hard to research either, since any country that doesn’t protect its borders will cease to exist.

   The Federal Reserve and Fiat Money Systems:   This information is readily available to those who seek. Beginning to comprehend this will lead into greater understanding of what is called “The Deep State” or “Shadow Government.” Did you know that nearly all the banks in the world are controlled through a central bank?  Did you know that many people who opposed the Federal Reserve died in the sinking of the Titanic? (Those who wanted it, just decided not to take the trip.)

   Did you know that much of what we see as the Federal government system now was only set up since 1913? What we have had now, is NOT in line with the Founding Fathers’ expectations.  If you think about all the agencies that we now have to consider and or be approved for so many actions, consider that corruption has spread to nearly every level, and consider then what it will mean to clear out fraud.

   The Pentagon First Ever Audit:  Did you know that the Pentagon has never been audited -- until now?  Did you further know that ONE DAY before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld admitted that 2.3 TRILLION dollars was unaccounted for from the Pentagon?

   In 2015, an IG report said it was then 6.5 TRILLION dollars unaccounted for.  Last year, people like Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of HUD, influenced a professor and his team of grad students to review it and now say it looks like 21 TRILLION dollars is unaccounted for.  Could this account for activities that are “off the record” being funded?

   If these matters are taken care of and cleaned up, would that be enough?  No!  It is only the beginning. Sort of like cleaning your  own house or garage: if you keep at it regularly, it isn’t so overwhelming, but if you don’t sort and clean out and leave it over say 10-20 years, you may truly have to rent a dumpster to even begin cleaning out! So what about all those American institutions that have been deeply influenced/infiltrated by people with values and motives that are NOT conducive to a strong America?

   The Department of Education:  Have you seen changes in what your children and grandchildren are being taught from what you were taught? Some teachers have been speaking out for years about what is happening and some are taking action, but many of them have been co-opted…that is, taken in to the overall plan, with or without their full awareness. Check out the Common Core Curriculum and how it actually impedes learning.

   I recommend two resources: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail,” by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, would likely be of great value — with the documentary evidence within the book to back it up.  There is a full version of nearly 1,000 pages, and a shorter summarized version of about 500 pages.

   “The Closing of the American Mind,” by Allan Bloom  from 1987.  I read this in the early ‘90s, soon after two semesters of teaching at a Wisconsin university. Sadly, it helped me understand some of the behavior and to me, bizarre, expectations of some of the students and faculty.  For one, I never heard before of 50% being a passing grade, did you?

   Federal Ownership of Property: According to the Constitution, the only thing that is allowed to be owned by the Federal Government is Washington D.C.  If this is restored, consider the changes necessary to deal with national parks, water ways and wetlands that they now say they own. Not to mention the mismanagement of it all and the damage done to ranchers such as the Bundy family.

So how will the Deep State try to finally grasp full control?

   The Deep State is threatening civil war, or world war, but either way, waging war on our country.  Having said that, with the recent Executive Orders that President Trump has put in place, he could declare martial law, make mass civilian arrest, and use military tribunals to ensure justice is carried out.

   Right now the deep state is purging most conservative and middle of the road neutral web sites from Face book, Google, Twitter, and YouTube. They are also starting Denial of Service attacks on most alternative news sites on the web. Once they get that done — and they are accelerating it rapidly now — then only the Deep State point of view will be left on the internet.  And the Mainstream Media will be left on TV (think you will hear the truth from them?)  The good guys, I believe, will not allow that to continue, so when it’s close to done they will pull the plug on the whole internet. It may get even worse than that. 

   Do you have any clue what pulling the plug on the whole internet will do? No credit cards will work, no bank will be able to give out money or at least very few will — and the only thing that will work is cash.  How long can you and your neighbors last under that condition?  How long do you think businesses will last? “Q,” if I remember right, said something on the order of 2 weeks to 2 months.  Are you starting to get the picture yet?  WAKE UP!  During that time the good guys will win or the bad guys will win. 

   Your options.... PRAY. Pray like your life depends on it because it does.  Pray for the good guys and pray for Trump and pray that JFK’s death will be revealed for the truth of the man he was.

   When it ends and things begin to be restored, two things will happen. Trump will have won and a convention of governors will have restored the Constitution of 1786 (or 1787) back to the US.  Trump will have kept his word to the people of this country and he will have restored the Constitution to the people and not to the Deep State.  The immediate effect of which will be the removal of most of the current parts of the federal government forever. 

   OR people will show up at your door to confiscate your guns and probably your life.  You will then have the option of fighting back and dying or maybe (low probability) living. 

   Or you can meekly give up and let them take you away to be killed or “reeducated” and losing your soul forever. Your option. 

   As for me and mine, I know who I believe and am fully ready to fight ‘til God takes me home. What about you?

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