'Minnesota Nice'

Complimentary Story
   “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”    -Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer.

   Minnesota has many immigrants of various races and religions that have come to this country for liberty and opportunity.  The native citizens, with their well-known “Minnesota Nice” temperaments have welcomed immigrants into their state with open arms and genuine compassion with the hope that these newly transplanted Minnesotans would assimilate.  Many of these immigrants have done so.
   When I speak of “assimilation,” I mean that a person has changed their allegiance and loyalty from the old country to the new country.  It does not mean forgetting where one comes from, forgetting one’s culture or ancestry or forgetting the language of one’s birth.  But it does mean that immigrants make significant contributions to society rather than becoming parasites of the new host country.  It means that they are productive citizens.  It means that the immigrants who freely choose to come to and make a new life in this country which was founded upon the principles of freedom and liberty, love freedom and liberty and respect and follow American laws.  Immigrants must leave the laws of the old country behind because they are invariably incompatible in one way or another with the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights which secure more individual rights than any other such founding document in the world.   

   To fail to change allegiances when an immigrant settles into their new life in the United States of America should be seen as seditious.  Hating freedom is the antithesis of what it means to be an American.   The default behavior for immigrants is to adapt, to assimilate, to learn to fit into the new country and to love freedom and independence.  

   Nonie Darwish, a woman who grew up in Egypt under Islamism/Marxism during Nasser’s reign, later came to this country and experienced and embraced its freedoms.  She recently wrote a commentary in which she states:  “It is, in fact, much harder to choose not to assimilate than just to go along and assimilate.  That is why progressives, in my opinion, are repressive and wrong for encouraging immigrants and minorities to stay just the way they were in the old country.  It is against human nature to continue living in a sub-culture from which one has just fled.”  Gatestone Institute, “Tyranny of Shaming-American Race Wars as Seen by an Immigrant,” Nonie Darwish, March 11, 2018.

   Therefore, the failure to change allegiances is an intentional choice.  

   Minnesota also has a large number of immigrants who have not assimilated.  They are under the control and tutelage of the Imams at Muslim Brotherhood-owned-and-controlled mosques, whose self-described long term goal is to spread Sharia throughout North America in order to overthrow the U.S. Government.  These goals can only be accomplished by ensuring that Muslim immigrants do not assimilate.  Therefore, Imams who preach and encourage their flocks to not assimilate and to cling to Sharia are participating in a conspiracy to commit sedition or even treason.

   Ms. Darwish, also blames the leftists for stirring up race relations in this country.  In Ms. Darwin’s commentary she explains why the left in this country wrongly attempts to shame  American culture and the laws created by white Europeans who founded this country: 

   “We watched American freedoms as a dream:  to be able to smile back at a man who opened the door for you without accusations of being a loose woman for smiling.  To be able to wear what you want, go out when you want, work or get an education or not, and venture to hope one day to live under a system that respects monogamy and equal rights for women and minorities.  Yes, it is the American culture where whites are the majority, no problem with that, that made our dreams come true.  Despite its shortcomings no other country in the world offers its citizens the chance to be whatever they would like.” 

   I would add to Ms. Darwish’s assessment that in addition to the leftists/progressives who stir up racism and make false claims of bigotry, that it is also the strong influence of the Muslim Brotherhood that insists that Muslim immigrants are discriminated against and that they should not assimilate.  The essence of this criminal conspiracy in America is best summed up by quoting their own words found in the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” which can be found at 
www.understandingthethreat.com and was used as evidence in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial in U.S. District Court in Texas:

   “The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and god’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”  p.16,¶ 4

   In this paragraph, “god’s religion” refers to Allah and Islam.  Their intent to destroy America by using us, which is described as “their hands” in the preceding quote, and has several different meanings:

   First of all, it refers to the use of our federal Refugee Resettlement Program and the volunteer agencies, VOLAGS (six of which are “faith-based”) and those who work for them that implement the resettlement program in a way that brings tens of thousands of questionably vetted “refugees” into our country.  These organizations receive approximately $2000 per refugee.  Thousands of these refugees intentionally refuse to assimilate at the behest of Muslim Brotherhood Imans.  One is left wondering if they came only for the purpose of completing the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Civilization Jihad.”  

   Secondly, “their hands” means misusing our political system by those who seek to spread Sharia throughout the land by winning elections in areas where there have been large concentrations of immigrants or first generation “Americans.”   They use deceit and false claims to fool the voting population as to their true intentions.  By focusing on one geographical area, such as Minnesota, the Muslim Brotherhood can quickly establish a political power base which gives them the ability to change the laws and Constitution of the state and begin to undermine our federal laws and Constitution through federal offices such as U.S. House and Senate seats.  Through the Muslim Brotherhood’s members’ ongoing deceptions throughout the past twenty years, they have won a significant number of political offices and have also been appointed to many non-elected governmental positions in Minnesota.  

   Third, “their hands” means using and abusing America’s generous state and federal public assistance programs which provide the means for the Muslim Brotherhood to quickly grow the populations of immigrants (while expending minimal amounts of their own money) who are then controlled and manipulated by this Egypt-designated terrorist organization through the teachings of Muslim Brotherhood Imams.  

   The costs to states for immigration are significant.

   Fourth, “their hands” means having our courts, laws and constitutional protections used against us when anyone dares to tell the truth about this plan.  If Sharia is ever fully implemented in the United States of America, the First  Amendment protections for free speech, religious freedom and the ban on establishing a state religion will have been abrogated without consulting “We the People.”  That is because it will have been accomplished through a quiet, but brilliantly executed political and legal coup.  While the members of the Muslim Brotherhood detest and seek to end the freedoms secured in our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights for us, the “non-believers,” (because these rights are diametrically opposed to the totalitarian Wahhabist ideology of Islam), they hope to retain and use these same religious and speech protections to shield themselves from the scrutiny that a criminal investigation or even a civil lawsuit might place them under.  They also use the Council for American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, the so-called civil rights arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, to sue individuals or other groups in order to silence them from exposing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan.  Their aggressive use of U.S. courts as a weapon with which to silence a vocal group of truth-tellers has become frequent enough to earn the name of LAWFARE.
   Fifth, using “our hands” means using our American mainstream media to aid and abet lies regarding Islamaphobia.   This has included reporting extensively where Muslims allege an attack on one of their own but then fail to correct the story in cases where the initial story turns out to be a hoax.

   Sixth, using “their hands” means harnessing the power and influence of American corporations in order to normalize or even glamorize garments of oppression for women.  In a past commentary I wrote about both Cover Girl and Nike as examples of American Corporations that were now, through their marketing campaigns, helping the Muslim Brotherhood to change the perception of headscarves and veils from oppressive articles of clothing for women into symbols of freedom for American women.  (WCN, Vol.18, Issue 1, “Sharia Lite for American Women, p.11).  In the meantime, women in Iran who protested the wearing of their scarves a month ago have now disappeared and are assumed to have been arrested.

   Seventh, “their hands” means the wide-spread use of the deceptive “interfaith alliances” which were formed in the 1990s to create relationships between Muslim Brotherhood Imams and other people of faith in the community.  These relationships were based upon false pretenses and were made for the purpose of befriending pastors, rabbis and other people of faith in order to establish themselves as accepted and trusted members of the community.  By doing so, they have gathered allies who are esteemed members of the community to vouch for them if questions as to their true identities or intentions are ever raised and exposed to the light of day.  On page 26 of the Explanatory Memorandum, under the first list of “Five Comprehensive Settlement Organizations” that the Muslim Brotherhood would need to further their goal of implementing Sharia throughout the United States was “Friendship societies with other religions. . . and other things like that.”

   Minnesotans (and citizens in other states) need to reconsider their open door immigration policy before their political powers have been completely taken over by subversives who seek to install Sharia law throughout the state.  Politicians that subvert the U.S. Constitution should be removed from office.  Municipalities and their law enforcement organizations that make excuses for the criminal behavior of immigrants or display unconstitutional favoritism toward one religious group over all others should be sued.  Lutheran Social Services and the Conference of Catholic Bishops must be held responsible for the excessive costs of public assistance and the costs of reparations for the personal injuries of victims of immigrants’ criminal acts.   Citizens need to demand that immigrants already here begin to assimilate.  A good start would be mandatory attendance at American History and English language classes in order to receive public assistance.
   Finally, churches everywhere must wake up.  To paraphrase the words of Pastor Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim, turned Christian:  “if you, as Christians, really loved Muslims, you would share the Gospel with them rather than participate in the Interfaith Alliances.”  (www.TILProject.com, “The Trojan Horse of Interfaith Dialogue” presentation and DVD).

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