Is it Fact or Fiction (Part 3)

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   As we promised you last month, we continue in this month’s article with the next portion of Myth #2: “Is Islam a Violent Religion and Muslims Identify with Terrorism.” 

   “...These people, and their interpretation of Islam, is rightly called “extremist; they are a minority within Islam and the vast majority of Muslims reject their violence and consider their interpretation a distortion of the Muslim faith. Extremism is not unique to Islam.” (From “Myths and Facts about Muslim People and Islam”

   In the statement: “These people, and their interpretation of Islam, is rightly called ‘extremist’”…, the modern title of “extremist” is simply a modern lie, as we will explain in this article and also examine some of the verses and hadith that will expose Allah and Mohammed’s murderous intents.

   What is an extreme person?  Is it a person who obeys the commands in the books in which he believes?  Can we say there are extreme Christians? Do we call a Christian who loves his enemies by praying for them, blesses them even when being cursed by them, or feeds or gives water to his enemies an extreme Christian?  The answer is obviously no.  They are just simply born-again Christians. 

   What about Christians the liberals call anti-abortionists and are willing to blow up abortion clinics? Aren’t they extreme Christians? The answer is no. They are simply living in disobedience to God’s word in the New Testament. They may think they are Christians because they murder the doctors who kill innocent babies. However, when Jesus was on the Cross He did not kill those who were killing Him. He did not ask the Father to kill those who nailed Him on the Cross. No, He simply cried to the Father to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing. That is what every Christian should do for the abortionists. So there is no “extreme” Christian as long as Christians live by the teachings of the Bible and the commands of Jesus.

   What about extreme Muslims?  Are there extreme Muslims?  The answer can be discovered if Muslims are not living by the teachings of Allah in the Qur’an and the commands of Mohammed in the hadith. There are over 300 verses in the Qur’an where Allah (Satan) commands Muslim believers to hate, terrorize, and kill non-Muslims (infidels) as Mohammed himself stated in Sahih Muslim:  “I have been commanded to engage in war against people until they testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah and believe in me (that) I am the messenger and all that I have brought.”

   Was Mohammed extreme to obey the command of Allah? The answer is no.  If he disobeyed this command and decided to be a peaceful person, then he was truly not a Muslim believer. What about the verses of the Qur’an which teach violence and terrorism?  Muslims in the West will say that these verses are taken out of context, misinterpreted, or were commands only in the days of Mohammed for specific people, not for the Christians and Jews of today. Mohammed was only fighting in self-defense.

   First, I will point you to the above hadith. Read it. Read it again, and if you think the propaganda explanations work, then you do not need to read the rest of this article. But if you are seeking the truth, then read not only theses verses but the rest of the Qur’an.

   Notice there is not one unabrogated verse in the Qur’an that teaches Muslims to live in peace or in love with non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, and others). Also, all the verses of the Qur’an which teach Muslims to engage in war are not for the purpose of self-defense as we read the interpretation of the great Muslim scholar Tabari IX:69 “We engage in war with people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and his messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will engage in war with him forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing him is a small matter to us.”

   Here are a few of the 79 verses that teach Muslims to engage in war. 

   47:4, “So when you meet those who became infidels, so strike the necks (decapitating) until you have made a great slaughter among them. So firmly bind them. So let there either be free dismissals or for a ransom, until the war is over. In this way, and if Allah wills, he will take vengeance on them, but he would rather test some of you by the other. And those who were killed (during the war ) for the sake of Allah, so he will not let their works go astray.” See for other examples: Qur’an 2:216, 9:5, 9:14, 9:29, and 9:73.

   Verses that teach Muslims to terrorize. 

8:12, “When your lord revealed to the angels: ‘I am with you,’ so make firm those who believed. I will cast the terror into the hearts of those who became infidels. So strike above their necks (decapitation), and strike off (chop off) every finger from them.”  See also Qur’an 3:151, 8:60, 33:26-27, and 59:2, 13.

   Notice that we only quoted the verses. Therefore, there is no misinterpretation. 

   For more information and to purchase a copy of our translation of the Qur’an, available in book or ebook versions, please go to our website at:

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