Don't Be So Busy You Forget What's Most Important

   Efficiency is necessary in the midst of our busy lives.  But I wonder if we rush through things when we shouldn’t.  I find myself brushing my kids to the side while I’m trying frantically to finish grading one more RBC mailbox lesson, or trying to get that final load in the laundry.  

   Although I’ve been told a thousand times, “Enjoy your kids, they grow up so fast!” I sometimes don’t.  Instead, I wished away the diaper changes and potty training, and long nights waking up to my baby’s cries. God created time and human life to have seasons. There are seasons of life. Each season has a purpose. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

   My prayer is to find purpose and peace in enjoying what God has given me right now.  To be still in this minute, on this day — and not ignore it because I’m planning for tomorrow, and next week, and the next month.  I don’t want to look back someday and not remember anything because I didn’t take the time to make memories. It will be beautiful if we can know that we are at peace because He is sovereign, and that we made the most of every moment, person, and season that God gave us. “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; In qu ...

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