Those Attacking Donald Trump Are Not Being Prosecuted - They Are Being Rewarded!

When you are dealing with frauds and liars, listen more to what they don’t say than what they do.” -Dr. DaShanne Stokes

One thing that I have found during my time as a Christian is that no matter how many times you share the truth with the people in this country and the things that demand their attention, they will not listen until after the damage is done. 

Many people in this country act as if they do not live politics, yet, “Life is politics, you do it or it does you.”

Friends, there is no in-between (Revelation 3:16).

Just this morning I woke up to see a brand new post about a book titled “The Russia Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump”

Another post on the same feed showed that Donald Trump's approval ratings are at 88%.< ...

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