What Can We Do to Produce Liberty?

Video Column:  https://youtu.be/ZsCiRFpda2M


Have you ever noticed you can’t only avoid eating unhealthy foods; you must eat nutritious foods?


You can’t only avoid mistreating your wife or children; you must love and care for them as you love yourself. 


You can’t only avoid mistreating your employees or those you have authority over; you must treat them with respect and dignity.


Borrowing the wisdom of my friend and Christian patriot, Bob Peck, this simple principle exists in everything in life.  To simply avoid evil is not the answer.  Rather, while steering clear of something that is inherently wicked, you must do the contrary or you will make no progress and inevitably fail. 


Just look in our culture today…the negativity of finger pointing, gossiping, complaining, insulting, berating and so on. Has this behavior ever resulted in lasting motivation for individuals or society itself to reform?


Our Creator designed us by nature to actively pursue what is good. Rather than moral neutrality or standing as a judge and condemning every evil action, God has given us the following solution: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and, “Overcome evil with good.” 

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