The Two Swords of God

   God has established two swords for His glory and the benefit of His fallen creatures, mankind.  The first is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. It is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God granted to the Church to wage a successful battle in spiritual warfare. It is the duty of all Christians to unsheathe it and wield it faithfully against the principalities and powers to set the captives free. The Church is primarily to be an administration of grace that is concerned about the spiritual welfare of men and nations. This sword helps to accomplish this godly mission.

   The second sword is the symbol of God’s authority in civil government. Civil government’s sacred trust as a delegated authority is to restrain evil. It is a sword that is to administrate justice, whereby evil doers are punished and those who are good in God’s sight are protected. Its ultimate calling is to protect life and stop the shedding of innocent blood (Genesis 9:6). Civil government is to be primarily concerned with the physical welfare of men and nations. This sword helps to accomplish this godly mission.

   These two swords are separate and distinct. They represent two different delegated governmental entities, Church and State. Neither of them, however, is separate from God’s supreme authority.

   What is desperately needed in this modern era of moral confusion, ty ...

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