Put On the New – Colossians 3:11-14

   So far in Colossians we have learned that Christ is seated at the highest position of honor beside the Father and, if you have trusted in the redemptive work of Christ alone, you have a seat reserved with Him in Heaven.  Because our eternal state resides in Heaven, we are to pursue and desire those spiritual blessings that are “in Christ”.  In other words, we are to take our redeemed and perfect position in Christ and live it out in our daily lives. 

   Two months ago in our ‘What Does the Bible say?” article, we started looking at Colossians 3:11-15 by reviewing what the secure believer is called to “put off.”  In the October edition, we took the time to focus on the corporate Body of Christ, which is God’s special group of “called out ones,” those who have placed their faith and trust in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  A reminder: Sometimes we think our corporate duty is to make others “put off” and “put on” certain actions. However, verses 5-11 are personal instructions.  Each individual is supposed to put off those things and to mortify their own members.  You aren’t going to make others change, only God can do that.  Your responsibility toward others is in these verses by the things we “put on.”

   In verse 12, Paul reminds them of their position and calling in C ...

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