Hospitality and the Great Commission

   Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for families to remember the many blessings in our lives. We invite family and friends into our homes for a special meal. We create a warm and welcoming environment and openly share what we are thankful for. It is also a wonderful time to share what Christ personally has done for us. 

   But we can open our homes and invite others to join us throughout the year as a way to share the Gospel. Each of us have a network of relationships within our families, our jobs, our neighbors, our schools, and our social networks that create countless of opportunities to begin spiritual conversations. God desires to reach into the lives of those who are close to us, so that they, too, may be brought into His forever family.

   When we invite others into our homes, we show people the effect of the Gospel. Our homes don’t have to be perfect, and we don’t have to be flawless. But when others enter our living rooms, they see first hand how the Gospel affects our marriage, our jobs, our parenting, and much more. 

   So how do you begin? Simply, start with people you know. Invite a few friends to a dinner party, a co-worker for a cup of coffee, or some neighbors to join you for a small group Bible study in your home. Be open and real. Share your story, and listen to their stories. Allow them to ask questions. Be honest if you don’t know the answers, b ...

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