They Have No King

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
   Thinking about this nation and the proliferation of sin of every kind at every level of society and the Lord showed me this: 

   Judges 21:25, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.”

   Today, all of those Americans (so-called) who reject President Trump, have no “king,” unless it is Maxine Waters or Barack Obama or Chuck Schumer or Michael Moore. They reject the Rule of Law and the Constitution in favor of Marxism, Communism and Socialism.  

   Many state that Donald Trump is not “their” President.  ANTIFA groups and those that fund, sponsor and organize their violent protests are the military arm of the Left and the mainstream media are their voice.  They are an “unholy trinity.” 

   It is the same, though, for all those who reject God and Jesus Christ — they have no King. Apostasy is a plague that is sweeping over the “church.”  Many false teachers and apostate preachers.  Many false preachers are embracing “Chrislam.”  The “emergent” churches teach a false doctrine and follow a false Christ.  They have rejected the eternal King in favor of a king of their own making. 

   Yes, everyone is doing as he sees fit (except tr ...

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